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Comparing vs.

  • is a comprehensive virtual career center with self-assessments and career information for high school through college students and beyond.
  • EUREKA Express has a lower reading level with a simpler layout, appropriate for middle school through high schoolers, lower reading level or ESL users.
  • Some organizations use both systems.
  • Finding the right Career Information System for your organization depends on several factors. Contact us to find the right system for your needs!
Occupations & filteryesyes
Brief Career Videosyesyes
Latest Wage Informationyesyes
Brief Occupations in English & Spanishyesyes
Majors/Programs of Study & Schools offering themyesyes
Short-Term Training & filteryesyes
Colleges/Universities & filteryesyes
Optional: Scholarships & filteryesyes
Career Pathways with CEsyes
Education Themes with CEsyes
True Color & Holland code for each Occupationyes
Job Search Guideyes
Financial Aid Guideyes
Military Occupationsyes
7th grade reading levelyes
12th grade reading levelyes
Search titles & content in all the datayesyes
Automatically saved assessments & worksheetsyesyes
Save favorite Careers, Majors, Schools, etc.yesyes
What Are My Values?yesyes
Learning Styles assessmentyesyes
True Colors assessmentyes
Inner Heroes assessmentyes
3 combined assessment resultsyes
World of Work & Meyes
Looking At Me (alternative to True Colors)yes
Most features toggle to Spanishyes
Customizable links, your school highlightedyesyes
I am working on an essay paper for English that will show my professor how I am going to progress over the next few years on getting my Bachelors of Science and my PhD in Physical Therapy. My Professor told the class about your website today, and it is very informative and user friendly. I will definitely use it again in the very near future. It was a pleasure using EUREKA. In addition, navigating the website was also a breeze.
Eustice, EUREKA Logo
Protecting Your UsersEUREKAEUREKA
Impartial datayesyes
Run by a non-profityesyes
Ads from collegesNo!No!
Ads on internal pagesNo!No!
User information sold to 3rd partiesNo!No!
Administrative/Teacher/Counselor FeaturesEUREKAEUREKA
View list of subscribed usersyesyes
View users' sign-up & last login datesyesyes
View users' saved Careers, Majors, Schools, etcyesyes
View users' assessment resultsyesyes
Assign users to teachers/counselorsyesyes
Sort users by teachers/counselors & gradeyesyes
Cummulative summary of site users' favoritesyesyes
Cummulative summary of site users' resultsyesyes
Inactivate/delete user accountsyesyes
View count of users' loginsyesyes
View users' total login timesyesyes
Free training webinars, free technical supportyesyes
Invite users & fellow staff to join websiteyes
I am an instructional counseling instructor and use EUREKA as an educational supplement. At first, I would direct students to True Colors, but now I have them complete the entire self-assessment (discovery) section!