Education related databases in
EUREKA has gathered an extensive collection of knowledge and resources right here in one! Majors, Colleges and Universities, Short-term Training options, Financial Aid, Job Search, links to a vast array of resources and many more valuable tools to guide you in your career and training decisions.

Education Themes
- Majors grouped by Theme.
- Lists related CTE/CE clusters.
- Toggle between Spanish and English.
College Majors/Training Programs
- Over 150 college majors and training program descriptions.
- Includes related programs, recommended high school courses.
- Links to schools offering the program in your selected state(s).
- Links to related Careers.
Colleges and Universities
- Over 3,000 4 year colleges or universities located throughout the United States with approximately 300 international institutions.
- Filter schools by degrees, location, school type, major, activities and more.
Short-Term Training
- More than 700 schools or programs throughout the United States offering training from the Diploma/Certificate level through an Associate degree.
- Filter schools by location, school type, degree type, and more.
Financial Aid Guide
- All the basic Financial Aid information including links to state and national websites and free sources of scholarship information.
Funding Finder (Optional)
- Filter through thousands of scholarships and awards. More information
Complementary Databases
- Job Search Guide: A detailed review of the entire job search process with tips, resume templates, and interview techniques including informational interviews.
- Entrepreneurship (Self-Employment): Detailed insights into owning your own business. If you are considering earning your living this way, check out this database.

I got lots of information including responsibilities of specific occupation, training to get going through course of interest, and detail information about various courses.- a California student