Personal Development
This section of EUREKA Express provides your students with an empowering array of career and life planning tools.
My Assessments
Results from your students’ completed self-assessments will be stored in one easy-to-access location to be reviewed or modified anytime, anywhere.
My Favorites
Your students will be able to view and manage their favorite Career Themes, Careers, Majors or Programs of Study descriptions, and Schools in one convenient place.
My Values Clarifier
At EUREKA, we feel that values have a direct impact on our passion and are what truly motivate us. Students will have the opportunity to examine their values and different aspects of their lives, as well as brainstorm their present and future goals.
My Career Plan
Students will be provided tools to help them plan their career goal(s), guiding them through their assessment results, saved careers and majors, to the schools or universities they plan to attend, as well as examine obstacles they may face currently or in the future and determine steps to overcome them.

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